Friday, May 25, 2007

The Weekend Ahead Of Us!

This weekend it will be quite busy. We have a reunion to go to on Sunday morning into part of Sunday afternoon. Then we will leave my grandma's house about 1:30 and drive into Seminole for a get together with James' family. At the reunion we'll eat around noon and at the cookout we'll eat again at 5:00. There will swimming at the cookout so it will all be really fun. When that is allover we will then be driving to Eufaula to spend Sunday night and Monday with James' dad. We're going fishing so be prepared for a nice blog on Tuesday about our fishing trip.

I stumbled onto this great site that I also want to tell you about. If you are like me and love candle and incense because they make you house smell so good, then this is a web site for you. It is called Best Incense and they are really interesting because of their offers. They are a California company that sells 20 incense for $1. Talk about a hot deal! They also have incense holders, perfume oils, and bath crystals. They also offer a free sample, which I would request one today at Best Incense. They have a huge variety of scents so check them out today and tell me what you think. The website is Best Incense.