This is a blog that will tell you about all sorts of things.I am a very fun loving person. I am blunt and tell the truth, so if you don't like that I'm sorry. I will post about giveaways, reviews, life, crafts, ways to make money, and anything else I want to. I am interested in too many thing.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Sorry that it has been over a week since I last posted. I have been very busy. Monday of last week was Memorial Day and we were at my father-in-law's house in Eufaula. it was very fun even though we really didn't catch many fish. Just a good little time with family. Caught some crappie, some bass, and some catfish. Before that though we had a family reunion at my grandma's house and then another get together for James' family in Seminole the same day. Talk about one busy weekend. Monday we came home and even though it sounded as if the busyness was going to end, it didn't. My father-in-law was supposed to come done this past weekend, so I had to get the house ready for him and his wife. I did a lot of cleaning and a lot of rearranging. Then they didn't come down, but that was for the fact that they had to buy medicine and there was a big out of pocket expense. So they couldn't make it. Instead though four of our nieces and nephews came over. We got up the next morning and went to Tecumseh to meet up with more family. Then we went to Frontier City. It was a little fun, but I honestly think that we're getting to old for it. We rode maybe 7 rides in 10 hours. It's hard to ride many with such a big group of people because someone is riding this ride, so you have to wit on them. So we took ff for a while and rode three rides on our own. Then we didn't get in until 2:00 in the morning. Then yesterday we slept until noon and the rest of the day was a blur. We just put up more chain link fence and went fishing for a little while. So as you can see I have been really busy.
Friday, May 25, 2007
The Weekend Ahead Of Us!
This weekend it will be quite busy. We have a reunion to go to on Sunday morning into part of Sunday afternoon. Then we will leave my grandma's house about 1:30 and drive into Seminole for a get together with James' family. At the reunion we'll eat around noon and at the cookout we'll eat again at 5:00. There will swimming at the cookout so it will all be really fun. When that is allover we will then be driving to Eufaula to spend Sunday night and Monday with James' dad. We're going fishing so be prepared for a nice blog on Tuesday about our fishing trip.
I stumbled onto this great site that I also want to tell you about. If you are like me and love candle and incense because they make you house smell so good, then this is a web site for you. It is called Best Incense and they are really interesting because of their offers. They are a California company that sells 20 incense for $1. Talk about a hot deal! They also have incense holders, perfume oils, and bath crystals. They also offer a free sample, which I would request one today at Best Incense. They have a huge variety of scents so check them out today and tell me what you think. The website is Best Incense.
I stumbled onto this great site that I also want to tell you about. If you are like me and love candle and incense because they make you house smell so good, then this is a web site for you. It is called Best Incense and they are really interesting because of their offers. They are a California company that sells 20 incense for $1. Talk about a hot deal! They also have incense holders, perfume oils, and bath crystals. They also offer a free sample, which I would request one today at Best Incense. They have a huge variety of scents so check them out today and tell me what you think. The website is Best Incense.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I would like to tell you about another great new company that can help set your business apart from others and take it to the next level. Venpar is that company. They will help you get the equity you need to build your company. Check out their web site today at Venture Alliance Partners to see how they can help take your company to the next level.
There is a great new way to get your products and services shown around the world: Masterseek. If you would like to find business partners globally, you should check out their site at masterseek. They have a lot to offer because they have over 45 million companies in 75 countries linked to them. Get your company linked in today by checking out their web site.
I would like to tell you about this new company that will pay you to blog. The name of the company is Bloggerwave. They pay you to buzz, review, and give your honest opinion about companies. It is a really excellent way to make money. I suggest that you check them out today at Bloggerwave. They are a great site so get in while they are new!
Monday, May 21, 2007
This weekend was fun! I worked on articles all day Saturday. Then James and I sat around and talked after we bought groceries. Got up Sunday morning and cleaned on the spare bedroom. Then later on we went to Shannon and her kids, James' sister-in-law, house to have a cookout. We got to see a lot of family and have a great time. We then brought 3 of the kids back with us, so they could spend the night with James' Aunt Tommie. She is taking them to school this week since Shannon moved to Tecumseh before the school year was out. They only have one more week left. If you would like get some recipes you should check out my cooking blog at If you want to know how to make money through surveys you should check out my other blog here.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Rain, Rain, and More Rain
Today was so sunny and now it is raining again. Wouldn't you know this Oklahoma weather would have this in store for us. It is still a nice day though. It has been quite hot, but with the air conditioner on it is perfect. Here is a picture of a rainbow I caught on camera the other day. I think it is beautiful. I went to my Dad's nursing home Saturday. My mom, niece, and I helped run a few games during the carnival. Dad wasn't in the best of moods, but got better as the day went along. Other than that it was quite a boring weekend.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Well, as all of you know I am a full time college student. I am quitting college to start my own business. I am done for now. I will be taking on many new business opportunities, one of which is writing articles. A few more are arts and crafts, making cakes and pies, and making gift baskets and other gift items. When I start selling my items I will give you the links to have a look. I have already started writing articles as my previous posts have mentioned. If you are looking to earn a good amount of extra money, you should consider signing up for Associated Content. A link to view my articles is A link to join is
. Please take a look at the types of articles that are on the site. This is an excellent way to earn money.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Clix Sense
Hey guys. I wanted to tell you about a great new program that will make you some money. Clix Sense just recently started. They pay you a cent or more to view an ad for 30 seconds. It is a very easy way to make a little extra money. If you upgrade, you will make more than a few cents a day. It is worth it. I upgraded to try it out and now have over $10 in my account.I can't wait to see how much I make after a few months. They are another pay per click program similar to Storm Clix from the makers of Storm Pay. It is a legitimate company. So if you want t check it out use this link: This is truly a great way to earn some money throughout the month. Give them a try and see what you think!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Hello All
Sorry I haven't posted anything new in a while. I have been very busy lately. I just started a new session at Colorado Tech last week, so I am now writing more papers. I just submitted my college papers to Associated Content for money, and should be getting them published soon. If accounting, globalization, and economics is your thing than you will be interested in the new ones. I should be writing some more new and interesting articles soon too. I will keep you posted. On another good note, James went to the doctor yesterday and had his glucose and cholesterol ran to make sure nothing is wrong. His cholesterol was a little high at 216, but the doctor told him to quit smoking, eat right, and start exercising and it will lower without medicine. His glucose level was 99 which is almost high, but he didn't tell him he was pre-diabetic or anything, but mom and I know that's what that means. Blood pressure was also good, so let's hope nothing happens further down the road.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
My family is going through a very hard time right now. My brother-in-law passed away two Friday's ago, which is why I have not been very responsive on here lately. We got a phone call that Friday night and heard that we needed to go to the hospital because my husband's brother David had been sent in an ambulance for chest pains. We got there only to find out that he had passed away from a massive heart attack. None of the family seems to understand why this had to happen, which I don't either. All I know is that he is survived by a loving family including his wife, Shannon, and four children, Cody, Lacey, Jessica, and Cameron. For all of you who knew him, be glad you did. For those fo you who didn't, I wish you could have met him because he would have touched your heart with his humor and love. My husband is very regretful right now because they never told each other that they loved each other. He is also regretful that they did not spen more time together. This is a plea to you to tell your loved ones that you love them often, spend as much time with them a you can, and pray for our family right now in their time of need. David, I love you, and I truly wish I would have had more time with you. I knew you for a litlle ver three years, and I want you to know that you truly touched my heart and I will miss you. I promise to help out Shannon and the kids as much as I can.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Fishing is so fun!
Sunday my sister, her boyfriend, and her two sons came over. We all decided to go fishing. It was so much fun. We caught a mess of crappie and cooked it that night also. It was wonderful to see my nephews having such a good time. It was also nice to see my sister happy. We went to a pond by my mom's house and also to one in Cromwell. James, my husband, caught to crappie that weighed at least 3 pounds each, which if you know fish, that's pretty big for a crappie.
On another note, it is the last week of my two current classes. Boy what a load off my mind. Then I have a one week break and then I go at it again. I should be getting some more articles published soon, so stay tuned into my blog, and I'll keep you informed. You might learn something that will help you out. My blog and articles are here to help someone. If I can reach just one person a day, I am happy. Until next time....
On another note, it is the last week of my two current classes. Boy what a load off my mind. Then I have a one week break and then I go at it again. I should be getting some more articles published soon, so stay tuned into my blog, and I'll keep you informed. You might learn something that will help you out. My blog and articles are here to help someone. If I can reach just one person a day, I am happy. Until next time....
Thursday, March 22, 2007
New Article on Associated Content
I just want to tell you all about my most recent article on Associated Content. It is about a fight that I had with my husband. I will admit that I was in the wrong and you will see why I was wrong if you read the article. Here is the link to my Article. I am very proud of this article because I earned over $10 for my honesty. This shows you that you do not have to lie, cheat, or steal to earn something on this site. I hope that you take this into consideration. I am here to help anyone out. If my personal life can help someone from making the mistakes that I made, then obviously I am doing something right. Please read this article even if you are male or female because it will help you out some day. I can guarantee that this question will come up in your life one of these days.
Until next time...
Until next time...
Saturday, March 17, 2007
New Truck
I am in a better mood than I was last night. I was in charge of putting together our slides for a group presentation in one of my classes. I noticed that one of the members did not put any citations in the text. I was going to do it for her, so I looked at her references and found out where she got the information. I was very upset to find that none of the stuff in her slide notes were her own words. She copied and pasted it directly from the sources. This is nothing but plaigerism! This could have cost our group everything that we had worked for. We could have all gotten an F, been kicked out of school, or worse. We gave her a chance to redo her part, which she did, but it still wasn't right. So last night I was up until 11:30 working on it, which it had to be turned in by midnight. I only had 30 minutes to spare. And I turned her into both the academic advisors and the instructor. I doubt they'll kick her out though. I was furious!
On a good note, we are getting a new truck. It is a 2002 Chevrolet Z-71. It is slick. The payments aren't going to be any hire than on our other truck. We are trading it in, which it is dented pretty bad, but we got a good deal on it. I wanted to keep it, but this truck is much nicer. I am glad that it seems like everything is working out for the best for my family. We are also going to be getting a phone this week, so ya!!! for me. Maybe then I can actually call my family instead of emailing them all the darn time. It gets old when that's all you can do.
On a good note, we are getting a new truck. It is a 2002 Chevrolet Z-71. It is slick. The payments aren't going to be any hire than on our other truck. We are trading it in, which it is dented pretty bad, but we got a good deal on it. I wanted to keep it, but this truck is much nicer. I am glad that it seems like everything is working out for the best for my family. We are also going to be getting a phone this week, so ya!!! for me. Maybe then I can actually call my family instead of emailing them all the darn time. It gets old when that's all you can do.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
My Articles!
I have written a few articles. When you get the chance please check them out. Here are the links.
Leave me a comment about them. Make sure you check out the website also. They pay pretty good for the articles you write. Please use this link, if you would like to sign up:
Leave me a comment about them. Make sure you check out the website also. They pay pretty good for the articles you write. Please use this link, if you would like to sign up:
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Just another day!
I was up until 3:30 this morning because my husband and I were having a little argument. It was over something stupid. Today I am really tired because of it. We made up, but I was so mad and upset, I almost walked out of the house to cool off. He wouldn't let me leave though. I went to the nursing home to see my dad. He was doing pretty good. We played Bingo with the activities director. Daddy got four corners, so he won a little extra. Mom and I got a bracelet a piece to give to my nieces. I think they will like them because they are very cute. They both have little hearts on them. I have a lot of things to do today, but just have no energy to do them. Well here is a hope that things will get better in my life and all of yours. Life is fun sometimes, we all just have to keep our heads up.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Hello, What a Wonderful Day It Is!
I am somewhat swamped with group projects for both my classes. I have two meetings today. One is at 3:00 and the other at 4:00. Boy only three more weeks with these two classes. Then I get to start two new ones. I will be glad when I graduate. I am nice and cheery today. This day could not probably get any better. By the way some new and interesting news. My husband and I are glad to announce that we are trying to have a baby. We are just not sure if we can have kids. My husband had cancer when he was just a little guy, so we are not sure. He needs to get tested, but don't have any insurance. If any of you have had a test done, and know how much it costs, please post us some advice. Here's to hoping we can have kids! Thank you all for listening.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
My thoughts for the day
Well this is yet another very uneventful day. I am bored out of my mind with nothing much to do. I am sick from my seasonal allergies. I have a cough, sore throat, runny nose, and a fever. I took a Benedryl last night hoping that it would help. I think i feel worse now. My husband has been smoking around me too, so I'll have to gripe at him for that. It is fun being me sometimes. I am honestly not feeling too well.
On a good note, I did make an A on one of my assignments. The teachers are sometimes not clear with what they want in our assignment criteria. I have gotten three B's and only one A. I better not lose my spot on the Chancellor's and Dean's list. I am somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to my grades. I want A's, but if I can't get them I at least want B's. Well that's all i can think of for today.
On a good note, I did make an A on one of my assignments. The teachers are sometimes not clear with what they want in our assignment criteria. I have gotten three B's and only one A. I better not lose my spot on the Chancellor's and Dean's list. I am somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to my grades. I want A's, but if I can't get them I at least want B's. Well that's all i can think of for today.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Looking for insurance!
I started my day normally. I started to think about my family. My husband recently switched jobs, so we lost our insurance. It came to my mind today that I need to find some affordable life insurance. I want my husband to be able to have the money to bury me in case something was to happen. I am young, but you never no when it is your time. I started my search on Google and to my amazement there were over 79 million results that came up.
I started clicking and did not find any that really popped at me until a reached This was truly the answer to my prayers. They had the information that I need in one place. They offer home owner's, automobile, and life insurance quotes. I was looking for life, so I clicked on their quote form. All you have to fill out is where you live, birthday, and a few other questions. I got plenty of results because they have a lot of companies that they work with.
If you are looking for the three main types of insurance, you need to visit today. It is a simple and easy way to find the information that you want, without all the tracking down. I am also going to be looking for automobile insurance soon because our premium is so expensive. I will be able to find all the information that I need on this site. I need more affordable insurance because my husband is the only one working. I personally recommend that you at least check out their website at I bookmarked it for future use, as you should too.
I started clicking and did not find any that really popped at me until a reached This was truly the answer to my prayers. They had the information that I need in one place. They offer home owner's, automobile, and life insurance quotes. I was looking for life, so I clicked on their quote form. All you have to fill out is where you live, birthday, and a few other questions. I got plenty of results because they have a lot of companies that they work with.
If you are looking for the three main types of insurance, you need to visit today. It is a simple and easy way to find the information that you want, without all the tracking down. I am also going to be looking for automobile insurance soon because our premium is so expensive. I will be able to find all the information that I need on this site. I need more affordable insurance because my husband is the only one working. I personally recommend that you at least check out their website at I bookmarked it for future use, as you should too.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
I discovered a great new way to make money online: If you would like to earn money for keeping a blog similar to mine you should check them out. There are advertisers that will pay you money to post a blog and mention their products. Blogvertise is a great way to earn extra money for giving your honest opinion on products or services through your blog. Visit them at today to learn more.
When you sign up and are approved you will receive emails with assignments. This is what Blogvertise says your tasks will include: "When the task assigned to you, You will be emailed a website url along with a brief note. Your task will be to mention the website in your blog and provide at least 3 links to the website in your blog entry. Your entry must be permanent and should not be deleted in the future. Note: You do not have to endorse the website's products or services, just mention it, discuss it, or relate to it somehow in your blog/journal entry. "
Blogvertise will pay you between $4 and $25 per entry. This is a great way to make extra money. They pay you through paypal. Check out this great opportunity to earn more money at If you have any questions feel free to send me an IM on yahoo.
When you sign up and are approved you will receive emails with assignments. This is what Blogvertise says your tasks will include: "When the task assigned to you, You will be emailed a website url along with a brief note. Your task will be to mention the website in your blog and provide at least 3 links to the website in your blog entry. Your entry must be permanent and should not be deleted in the future. Note: You do not have to endorse the website's products or services, just mention it, discuss it, or relate to it somehow in your blog/journal entry. "
Blogvertise will pay you between $4 and $25 per entry. This is a great way to make extra money. They pay you through paypal. Check out this great opportunity to earn more money at If you have any questions feel free to send me an IM on yahoo.
Hello everyone!
I just want to start by telling you a little about myself. My name is Tara. I am married to a wonderful man, James. We do not have any children, but we do own three dogs and two cats. The dogs are Rocky, Stranger, and Weasel. The cats are Crackerjack and Ms. Kitty. I am a full time college student at Colorado Technical University Online. I will graduate in December of this year with my BSBA with a concentration in Management. I am also a full time homemaker and a full time caregiver. I visit my father, who is in a nursing home, two times a week. I also take care of my mother-in-laws errands, bills, and any other thing that she needs. I run errands for my grandmother when she needs them too. As you can see I am a busy person. I enjoy fishing, movies, music, and definitely spending time with my loved ones.
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