Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ways to Keep Your Body Healthy

There are many things that we can all do to help keep ourselves healthy. It is important to do this so you can perform in whatever you do the best you possibly can.
First of all everyone should drink plenty of water. The body does no function properly when you don't drink enough water. Another thing is that you will actually feel better if you drink 8 glasses of water a day. It's not that hard to do either. Just add water to your diet by drinking a glass before or after a meal and with a snack. This will easily increase your intake.
Next you will need to get proper nutrition. It doesn't hurt to eat whatever you want sometimes, but you should be aware of what your calorie intake should be. Knowing how many calories you need to survive will help you adjust your diet. Eating too little or too much will make you pack on the pounds. You can find out more information check out the government's free page here. They offer some great information on the site. You can even take a multivitamin to help!

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Next if you smoke, you should quit. I know that's hard to do, but there are so many resources now to help you. You can actually get help through the government now! Check this link out! It is very hard t quit, but you will feel a lot better once you do. You will notice a difference quickly in the taste of your food and also your sense of smell.
The final tip I can give you is exercise. It doesn't matter how or when you do it, just get off your butt and move around. You can go for a walk, join a gym, or even pay with your kids. It doesn't matter as long as you get your heart pumping. The more active you are, the lower your risk for diseases like diabetes and heart disease will be.
As always stay healthy, do something to improve your life today!

How to Clean Green!

I am actively trying t go green. I have bee using a variety of cleaners that I make myself. You can easily make a cleaner for everything with a few items. I suggest you buy two different spray bottles. You will need to label them both. The first one you will put degreaser, counters, stove, and fridge on it. The second you will put windows, mirrors, tub, toilet, and shower on it. IN the first bottle you will fill it up with straight vinegar. You will then fill the second with half vinegar and half water.

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I know vinegar doesn't smell good, but it is a great cleaner. Vinegar is actually a great disinfectant. You will just use these cleaners the same as you use your others. If you want something that will clean the toilet bowl, you can actually add a cup of vinegar to the water in the bowl and then add 1/2 cup of baking soda. It will foam and eat the filth as it does. You can also do the same to disinfect your sink drain. It will make your drain smell better. To deodorize carpets, just sprinkle them with baking soda. Let it set for a few minutes, and then vacuum. These are all easy cleaners that you can make at home with products that you probably already have there.

Fun with Pets

I personally love animals. I guess that why I own two dogs, two cats, and am about to buy a Great Dane. I have always loved animals even as a little girl. As you can see in the pictures, my pets are a big part of the family. I have always treated them as my children. My husband loves our pets just as much s I do and I guess that's why we have so many. If I had the money and a bigger place I would run an animal rescue. I think it is horrible when animals are put down because the shelters are too full. This is a great reason why people should spay or neuter their pets. It is your responsibility as a pet owner to find puppies and kittens a home. It's not good to just dump them off somewhere where they are hungry and don't have a chance to really survive. It makes me sick to see people do this. I have to say that I adopted the majority of my pets. Weasel is a Manchester terrier/mini pin mix that I took in fr a lady in town 4 years ago. She is my baby. I adopted Paco the Pomeranian from my sister. Tex, my gray tabby showed up one day at my old house. He was only around four weeks old. Crackerjack is my Himalayan mix that my old cat birthed. My mom now owns his mother, Kitty, which I had adopted from a friend. Also at my house I have my mother-in-law's dog, Sara. She actually just had a little girl puppy last week too. As you can see I am not animal poor. Now we are getting a Great Dane from my husband's boss. They actually breed them, and no this is not a puppy mill! I am fully against puppy mills and anyone that has one, you are sick people! This is my stand and one thing I am very passionate about. I also think that cruelty to animals is one of the worst things people can do. How many of you agree with me? Feel free to comment on my post.