Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Little Venting From Me

All I can say is yesterday was a bad day. I just hope today is better. Yesterday every moron in Oklahoma came in the store it seemed like. It was just one of those days when you just want to scream. First thing that happened was I almost had someone drive off without paying for their gas. It was a misunderstanding, but luckily my helper caught them before the left. This couple was filling up their gas tank and sent in their con to pay for some water and the gas, only they didn't tell him about the gas. So he pays for the water and they weren't done pumping, so technically he couldn't pay for the gas anyway. So he gets in the car and then the mom gets in the car and doesn't even think anything of it.
Then the second dumb ass of the day was a woman who wanted to be a bitch. How do I explain this one other than she made her 10 year old daughter pump her gas because she was too lazy to get out of the car. So the girl uses a debit card at the pump, fills up, but doesn't hit the yes button to print the receipt. So she climbs in the car and the mom says, where is the receipt. She tells her oh, I didn't get one. I guess these people think they automatically print or something. So then the girl comes into the store and says I need a receipt for the gas. I tell her, I have to have the card, so I can scan it. It doesn't charge the card it just recognizes the number and prints the receipt inside the store. She goes oh and looks at me with this blank stare and then walks out. She goes back to the car and tells her mom she has to have the card. The mom starts screaming and yelling at her and pointing her finger in her face and everything. It takes her about 20 minutes before she even comes back into the store. Then the little girl tells me I just need a receipt I don't need you to charge the card. By this time I'm already aggravated at the damn mother because of the situation and now this little girl didn't listen to me in the first place. So I say it doesn't charge you anything it just recognizes the number and prints. I scanned it , it printed the receipt. Then I opened my mouth and said all your mom had to do was send in the card. I saw her yelling at you. I probably shouldn't have said it, but I was pissed off as it was. So then the girl says yes and then left. She apparently told the mother about my little comment because the bitch sits in the parking lot for another 20 minutes before she finally walks in and tells me for my information I wasn't yelling at my daughter I was instructing her on how to get a reciept from the pump. I told her that sure the hell isn't what I saw when you're yelling, and everybody can hear it and see you doing it. She said what great customer service. I told her well, maybe if you would have pumped your own damn gas you wouldn't have had a probelm with getting your receipt. Great parenting to yell at your kid for your dumb ass mistake!
The third dumb ass of the day was a guy who bought minnows from us. He came back after about 4 hours of fishing and wanted me to give him more minnnows for free and said that I didn't dish them right. I told him bullshit because after dealing with all these stupid ass people today I was so ready to fight. So I told him I'll show you how many come in a half a pound. I dish them and he goes oh, I guess you did give me the right amount. I told him, you think! He sat there and watched me dish them the first time!
I had a bad day and today better be better or when I come home, I am drinking my ass off!