I just posted how I saved $32.00 at Walgreens. Now I am going to show you how I saved more at Walmart. There were a lot of good deals and I didn't use any of the food items, but I did partake in the beauty/personal care items.
Gillette Body Wash was on sale for $3.50. I had two coupons that were Buy 1 Get 1 Free. I bought 4 body washes, which two were free, but then I combined them with two coupons that were $4 off two Gillette body washes. This made all four that I picked up FREE!!!
Nivea Body Wash for Men was on sale for $3.97. I bought two of the Men's Body Wash and used two $3.00 off coupons. This brought the price of each down to $.97. That's still a great deal!
Nivea Body Wash for Women was on sale for $3.97 also. So I bought two of the Women's Body Wash and used two $4.00 off coupons. This made both of them absolutely FREE!!!
Gillette Shave Gel was on sale for $1.87. I picked up two and combined the sale with two $1.00 off coupons. This made them only $.87 cents.
I also bought James, my husband, a 4 pack of Gillette Fusion cartridges for $13.97. They weren't on sale and I didn't have a coupon for them. I am only mentioning this, so you can see why the total was as high as it was.
My grand total was $21.35, which as you can see it would have been around $7.00 if I hadn't bought the Fusion refill. I saved a total of $31.00 with all of my coupons!!! Anyone can do this!